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Whisky Education

Become an expert

We invite you to take advantage of the opportunity from our partners and take professional online courses from EWA (Edinburgh Whisky Academy).
As well as a certificate of completion, you will come away knowing so much more about the golden liquor in your glass. Whether you consider yourself a whisky connoisseur or you are simply curious to learn more, you will certainly get something out of our award-winning material and industry expertise.

✔️ Self-paced online course ✔️ EWA completion certificate ✔️ Gift vouchers available here

  • The flexible, self-paced format allows you to learn in your own time. 
  • With quizzes at the end of each module, you can measure all the knowledge you’re distilling as you go.

What’s inside?

  • A real distillery-like structure gives visualisation and a feeling you’re on a trip. 
  • Eight modules on the history and business of Scotch, the entire production process from raw materials to distillation, maturation and bottling.
  •  Interactive exercises, videos and pop quizzes Each module ends with a short quiz where you get no points, but…something else. 
  • Final expert exam

This fun and accessible SQA-certified online course will enhance your appreciation of all things aqua vitae.

whisky produce

We can make you an whisky expert

Contact us for information about whisky courses
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